
1.Targi Książki Kulinarnej

Between 19th and 21st July the first Fairs of Culinary Books took place in Warsaw. The organiser was Qchnia Arystyczna, a recognised restaurant led by a charismatic restaurateur. Marta Gessler is known for her passionate and artistic approach towards cooking and floristry. 

The New Zealand's stand was there with my book and some of the best NZ's food products to try. There was also a chance to speak on sustainable NZ's winegrowing, agriculture and aquaculture. 


The arcaded galleries of Zamek Ujazdowski were home for a number of publishers and foodies.  

My stand featured NZ's produce also.
Green and golden kiwifruits.
Feijoa compote, juice, lemonade and jam.
Manuka honey, rewarewa, clover and wild flower honeys.
Avocado oil.

The announcement of my presentation on Sustainable New Zealand in Park Ujazdowski where the whole event took place.

With Marta Gessler, a moving force behind the event.
 Marta's culinary sculpture - "Try crispness" and her giant crisps.If you wished to try stickiness, there were giant pana cottas.

The courtyard of Zamek Ujazdowski is occupied by 'the Garden of Senses' where you can admire, touch and smell a variety of herbs and flowers set in boxes around deckchairs.

Being surrounded by cookbooks of all sorts, vegetarian, vegan, dietary, Italian, Japanese, Jewish, in Polish and in English, new and used it was simply irresistible! Luckily I have found something suitable for my interests and now I am preparing my first Philippine dish.  

Film report from this event is here

See you next year!


New Kid on the Block - shelal cheese

Quite often new exotic ingredients come into my kitchen. I would like to familiarize you with them. Probably some of you will have more ideas on their use - so feel free to share your ways. 

Today I present shelal - a cow's milk cheese from Syria made into form of strands. It is very salty so it would be a good idea to rinse it under cold water - but only for few seconds. If you leave the cheese in water, it will loose all its stiffness. This cheese is great for decorating salads and open sandwiches.

My canape: gluten-free bread, home made houmous, baby spinach leaves, slice of ham, shelal with nigella seeds, broccoli sprouts, New Zealand's Grove (Greencado) avocado oil.  

Another interesting ingredient: anardana powder - dried pomegranate seeds from India.

South African pears in Poland

Strange things you will find in your local store sometime. This South African pear is now 15 thousand km from home! 

Late July, cost of 7,85 PLN per kilo. 


Najbliższe spotkanie autorskie

19-21 lipca, godz. 10.00-20.00
1. Targi Książki Kulinarnej
zapraszają Qchnia Artystyczna, Marta Gessler i Zielony Jazdów

Sobota 20 lipca, godz. 18.45 - prezentacja nt. kuchni Nowej Zelandii

Info o wydarzeniu: strona Qchni Artystycznej.


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