Red Beetroot Blinis!
2 portions (for main course) or 4 for starter
2 apples
0,5 kg cottage cheese (quark)
few Tbsps milk
1 egg
1 cup flour
oil for frying
sour cream/plain yoghurt to serve
1. Wash well the beetroot, put to the cold water and cook. Peel and grate with small holes grater. Mix cheese and milk for a smooth paste (ok, it doesn’t have to be that smooth). Peel the apples and grate with large holes grater.
2. Combine beetroot, cheese, apples, egg and flour, season with salt and sugar.
3. Heat the oil in the frying pan. To make small blinis, place one tablespoon of batter in the pan, flatten and fry until dark a bit.
4. Serve hot, absolutely with sour cream!
These blinis have an extraordiary colour and a surprising sweet taste. It reminds me the breadfruit French fries or the onion rings, which are also sweet and chewy. Serving them without sour cream will spoil their potential.
Looks good! My boyfriend and I used to go to German & Lithuania Cuisine in Akropolis Shopping Center. My boyfriend had giras which is a traditional Lithuanian drink along with Lithuanian food. The restaurant I believe is also a microbrewery. It serves an array of beers: Alaus bravoras, Bravaria Premium Bravaria, Baltas Bravaria, and Ajerų Pusšviesis Bravaria medaus alus.